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NDIA Annual Price Review Submissions - Core Supports and Therapy Supports

Ability Roundtable submissions to the 2023-24 NDIA Annual Price Review (APR) include:

  • Ability Roundtable submission on Core Supports (DSW Cost Model); and

  • Ability Roundtable submission on Therapy Supports.


The submissions call on the NDIA to draw on Ability Roundtable market data to make the necessary structural adjustments to NDIS pricing, required as market stewards, to support the sectors longer-term viability.

Our submission on Core Supports uses Ability Roundtable’s longitudinal dataset to compare the DSW Cost Model assumptions against the true cost of service provision The modelling shows there is currently a 10.9% difference (in the 2023-24 financial year) between the DSW Cost Model and the actual cost to deliver an hour of support, in addition to CPI, with a projected 11.6% difference in the 2024-25 financial year.

Our submission on Therapy Supports uses Ability Roundtable data to build a bottom-up cost model to reveal the gap between the NDIA therapy price limits and the actual cost to deliver therapy supports in the NDIS market. For the four major Allied Health disciplines, the modelling shows there is a 10.9% difference between the fully loaded cost to deliver an hour of therapy supports and the NDIA Price Limit, for the current 2023-24 financial year. For the 2024-25 financial year there is a projected 12.9% difference.

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