Ability Roundtable is Australia's largest disability sector benchmarking organisation. Established in 2013 as a by-industry, for-industry group, we provide a confidential and trusted platform for disability service providers to benchmark their services across Australia using quality data to provide insights into each organisation’s performance relative to their peers.
Ability Roundtable has more than 80 organisations, which represent around $7 billion in revenue and over 20% of all NDIS registered provider payments. We benchmark across three products:
Financial and Workforce Benchmarking - which covers Core Supports, Therapy Supports and Capacity Building Supports (Support Coordination and Psychosocial Recovery Coaching)
Supported Independent Living (SIL) Benchmarking - which focuses on the operational performance (e.g. vacancy rates) and the quality and safeguarding performance of your SIL services and includes membership that covers 33% of all SIL participants.
Allied Health (Therapy) Benchmarking - which focuses on the operational performance of therapy services, with granular data down to show the productivity (Billable Time) for each individual allied health practitioner compared with your peers.
​​We come from the disability sector and focus on benchmarking for excellence at the service level and provide our members with powerful analytics to identify drivers of difference in performance. The data is supported by service-specific communities of practice which allows members to solve for common challenges and collaborate on solutions.
Members choose the products in which they participate. Annual membership fees apply.
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Ability Roundtable's Financial and Workforce Benchmarking is Australia's largest and longest running disability services benchmarking product and provides members with longitudinal insights into the financial state of the sector and allows for deep comparisons of your organisation's financial performance compared to your peers nationally.
The FY24 Ability Roundtable Financial and Workforce Benchmarking will see membership of more than 70 organisations and representing more than 12% of all NDIS participants and over 20% of all NDIS registered provider payments.
The Financial and Workforce Benchmarking is for disability service providers delivering:
Core Supports - including One-to-One supports, Group and Centre-based Supports, Supported Independent living and Employment Supports
Therapy Supports; and
Capacity Building Supports - including Support Coordination and Psychosocial Recovery Coaching.
We provide members with a detailed Data Specification and Data Collection Tool to allow them to simply captures a range of metrics and submit into our secure portal, including:
Whole of Service Demographics (regions, number of participants, service types)
Workforce Data (headcount, turnover, span of control, pay rates, allowances)
Utilisation Rates –by service type
Financial Data – balance sheet, Revenue, Service Level Expenses, Operational Expenses (Corporate)
Service Level Financial Analysis – Net margin analysis by service type.
Deep Dive into Expense categories – based on member interest
Following data collection, members are provided with anytime access to the online PowerBI environment to view the benchmarking reports as well as a range of additional services, such as online data insight presentations, further analysis and reports distributed from our Data Scientist, as well as executive and Board presentations.
Contact us today for more information

Ability Roundtable's Supported Independent Living (SIL) Benchmarking product includes 5 years of longitudinal data on the operational performance of the SIL sector. While financial benchmarking tells you the what, our SIL operational benchmarking helps you to understand the why.
Our SIL benchmarking members represents more than one third of all NDIS participants living in SIL and provides a granular insight into the operations of your business. We collect deidentified post coded data down to the individual dwelling, individual client and individual worker which provides a level of sector insight not possible elsewhere.
​​We design our benchmarking products with our members so that we are capturing data that will drive business decisions, better client outcomes and allow peer to peer comparison. We provide members with a detailed Data Specification to allow them to consistently capture a range of metrics and submit into our secure portal, including:
Service and Client Demographics - client characteristics and support needs, support level, SIL package values
Vacancy Management - vacancy rates, vacancy lengths, reason residents choose to exit a dwelling
Workforce –Leave, Turnover, Span of Control, length of service and training hours, pay rates.
Dwelling Details – building and dwelling types, number of bedrooms, dwelling characteristics, ownership and condition
Ability Roundtable is also the only sector wide product benchmarking Quality and Safeguarding metrics within Supported Accommodation. We now have two years of data which provides a sector comparison of:
Rate of incidents, rate of complaints and average complaint length and the proportion of clients subject to regulated restrictive practice
Leading indicators of quality of life, such as implementation of Active Supports, Outcome Frameworks and current Health Care Plans
Following data collection, members are provided with anytime access to the online PowerBI environment to view the benchmarking reports as well as a range of additional services, such as online data insight presentations, further analysis and reports distributed from our Data Scientist, as well as executive and Board presentations.
However, benchmarking is just one part of this group, we also run a SIL specific community of practice which bring participating organisations together to uncover opportunities that disability service providers can take back into their business. Some members have found significant untapped revenue or achieved efficiency through their participation. It’s focused on collaboration and identifying best practice to ensure members can take vital learnings back into their businesses. We have deep engagement with and between members, with a range of community of practice events that culminates in a 2-day National Meeting.
Contact us today for more information

Ability Roundtable's Allied Health Benchmarking product includes 10 years of continuous Allied Health data on the operational performance of the therapy sector. While financial benchmarking tells you that what, our Allied Health operational benchmarking helps you to understand the why.
Our Allied Health benchmarking members represents more around 25% of all NDIS therapy market and provides a granular insight into the operations of your business. We collect deidentified post coded data down to the individual practitioner, individual client and the interaction between the practitioner and client which provides a level of sector insight not possible elsewhere.
We design our benchmarking products with our members so that we are capturing data that will drive business decisions, better client outcomes and allow peer to peer comparison. We provide members with a detailed Data Specification to allow them to consistently capture a range of metrics and submit into our secure portal, including:
Client Demographics - client characteristics and client turnover rates
Billable Time - at the job role level as a proportion of total paid time and as a proportion of available time.
Service Insights - Proportion of billed F2F time, billed indirect time and unbillable time. We also capture service hours by service location, by job role and by NDIS claiming type.
Workforce –staff demographics, Turnover, length of service and training hours, pay rates.​
​Our Allied Health benchmarking is a quarterly data collection allowing our members access to close to real time insights on staff productivity compared to the sectors performance.
Following data collection, members are provided with anytime access to the online PowerBI environment to view the benchmarking reports as well as a range of additional services, such as online data insight presentations, further analysis and reports distributed from our Data Scientist, as well as executive and Board presentations.
However, benchmarking is just one part of this group, we also run an Allied Health specific community of practice which bring participating organisations together to uncover opportunities that disability service providers can take back into their business. Some members have found significant untapped revenue or achieved efficiency through their participation. It’s focused on collaboration and identifying best practice to ensure members can take vital learnings back into their businesses. We have deep engagement with and between members, with a range of community of practice events that culminates in a 2-day National Meeting.
Contact us today for more information